A blog which collects my thoughts while serving my National Services.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Moon light Marshal

Live in the Provost 

Moonlight started on monday morning, bright and early. There are 3 missions in total spreading over 2 days and one night. Its pretty tiring, but we survived. Returning back to camp on Wednesday. 

Returning back to camp, they allowed us to order fast food, and we did. We ordered KFC which adds up to almost two hundred dollars and took almost forever to arrive. 

Thursday and Friday is a pretty short day as it was the pistol IMT and live shooting. Its fun! I managed to get a pretty decent score of 39/50. 

I am down to the final 2 weeks in the training school. The allocation of the posting is out, as in the numbers and now all the commanders are putting names to the positions. I am praying hard to get the vocation of Personal Assistances. I cannot tell you how badly I wanted it. 

On friday evening after booking out, I went back to poly for the opening of the Morbly block. It was a beautiful evening. The next day, went for my speech training and helped out at the raft a bit then went off with kenneth to collect the grad rope. 

Ah... I got to go now, I'm supposed to be doing the cooking today as its Mother's day. Pray hard for me to get the right vocation. See you all next week. 

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