A blog which collects my thoughts while serving my National Services.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Labour day and Chemical defences

This was a pretty short week as there's a public holiday in between. 

Other than the usual run, we attended a chemical defense package, the package basically involve us going into a smoke chamber and be smoked. I was the second detail to enter, but my mask failed upon entering, hence I had to get out before I die in there. 

On Wednesday, we had our P226 technical handling test. We all passed. Then we booked out. It was a rather boring holiday as I was just basically busy handling all the request from coperate coms to provide them with the photos for graduation. 

Friday was store day. We started off early, but was not able to leave early as the toners were outrageously late.

Tomorrow will be leaving for tekong for ops. I really hate the feeling, but taken that my next post will be that which leads to my pop. I will sit through this. 

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